Mosquito Free Water Tension Eliminator
Mosquito Free Water Tension Eliminator
Makes it impossible for Mosquitoes to breed on water.
- Stops Mosquitoes from Breeding
- Safe for Children, Birds, Pets, Plants and Fish
- All-Natural Ingredients
Item# 94025 Size 128 fl. oz.
Item# 94042 Size: 16 fl. oz.
Item# 94044 Size: 33.9 fl. oz.
Don’t give mosquitoes a nearby place to breed. Most mosquitoes can fly no more than one to three miles, and some mosquitoes such as Asian tiger have a flight range of just 100 yards or so. Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes breed by emptying the saucers of flower pots, hauling off old tires, cleaning rain gutters and frequently changing the water in birdbaths. Walk your property with an eye for puddles. Spray our Tension Eliminator to fix your problem.
Mosquito Free Water Tension Eliminator eliminates the tension on top of the water so that mosquitoes can not land on the surface, but instead they sink and drown. Females land on water to lay eggs but both Females and Males need water or they dehydrate and die. Female Mosquitoes also need water to deposit eggs on. Water tension allows for them to land on the water and lay eggs.
Our product makes it impossible for mosquitoes to survive in your habitat, therefore not allowing them to develop into adults.
According to a recent article by Smithsonian Magazine, the mosquito is the most dangerous animal on the planet to humans and they are responsible for more human casualties than murder. Approximately 725,000 people will die this year, worldwide, from mosquito borne illnesses such as Malaria, Zika Virus, & the West Nile Virus. To learn more about this article click the link below:
Flies- Flies cannot land on water treated with Mosquito Free Water.
All ingredients meet EPA requirements as a minimum risk pesticide under the 25(b) FIFRA
Re-treating a Pond with Mosquito Free Water
Demonstrating Mosquito Free Water in Wisconsin
Mosquito Free Water Demonstrations
Mosquito Water and Zika Virus
Mosquito Free Water Flyer:

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