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Blog Posts

How to use Horse Bit Wipes

How to use Horse Bit Wipes

Many horses will simply not take the bit. However, our peppermint flavored wipes stop this behavior. Further, A simple wipe and in pops the bit. Also, these wipes are great for fast clean-ups after rides Learn how to use our Bit Wipes with this helpful video tutorial! Directions: Thread wipe carefully through pointed cap opening (do not put finger into cap opening). Then, add two ounces (2) of water to canister, prior to use, to reactivate the wipes. Apply wipe…

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How to use Insect Repellent for Horses

How to use Insect Repellent for Horses

Learn how to protect your horse from all insects with gentle and safe Ear & Facial Body Wipes Insect Repellent for horses. Guards horses from all insects including mosquitoes, gnats, sand flies, ticks, fleas, flies, and all other insects.

Ear & Facial Wipes for horses

Ear & Facial Wipes for horses

CareFree Enzymes Horse Ear and Facial Wipes promote Equine health and reduce odor. Further, they remove contaminants and excessive secretions around eyes & nose while gently cleansing. Watch our video to learn more!

Healthy Stall

Healthy Stall

Healthy Stall fights and repels both ground and flying insects and Healthy Stall treats ammonia and manure. Watch our helpful video for more information! Steps: Shake Well before use. Attach bottle to garden hose. Turn knob to “ON” position. Spray light mist for 30 seconds over the entire contaminated area. DO NOT RISE. Use every two weeks. NOTE: Over spraying will not cause harm to animals or the environment. No restrictions when used as directed. This is a non hazardous…

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Healthy Pen: How to Winterize and Clean your Chicken Coop

Healthy Pen: How to Winterize and Clean your Chicken Coop

A Step by Step Guide on How to Winterize and Clean your Chicken Coop Patrick Haley and Francesca Fredericks speak about an all-natural and environmentally friendly product: Healthy Pen. Francesca Fredericks offers her advice on winterizing your coop. Francesca was a recent 2nd place winner at the Racine County Fair. Check out our Healthy Pen here!

Using Birdbath & Fountain Protector

Using Birdbath & Fountain Protector

Spend more time ENJOYING your pond and fountain and less time CLEANING them! Birdbath & Fountain Protector contains natural enzymes. It safely breaks down organic contaminants: sludge, water lines and organic stains caused by birds and the environment. Our product is safe for birds, pets and wildlife. The formulated ingredients of all-natural enzymes produces no harsh effects on your birdbath or fountain (ceramic, stone, plastic, etc), while enhancing the performance of all indigenous bacteria (good bacteria naturally found in fountains)….

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Mosquito Free Water Demonstrations

Mosquito Free Water Demonstrations

Insects like Mosquitoes need water surface tension In the Pupa stage mosquitoes have a breathing tube they attach to the surface. Adult Mosquitoes need water surface tension in order to lay their eggs. This product removes this water surface tension, so pupa can’t breathe and mosquitoes can’t land and lay their eggs. Its been 2 weeks since we treated this particular pond up in Northern Wisconsin with Mosquito Free Water. This video shows how well the effects are on the…

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How to Clean and Maintain Birdbaths

How to Clean and Maintain Birdbaths

Patrick Haley, president of CareFree Enzymes, speaks about keeping a clean, clear water source for your avian friends. Patrick Haley, president of CareFree Enzymes, Inc, speaks about using Birdbath Protector to provide a clean water source. He offers three easy steps with cleaning and upkeep. Check out our Birdbath Protector here!

Preparing Chickens for Poultry Shows

Preparing Chickens for Poultry Shows

Your ultimate shampoo & prep kit of poultry cleansers and protectors. The Best of Show contains an array of products used by Blue Ribbon Chicken owners’. We have collaborated with several Award-Winning chicken owners’ and asked them what they use, and what they would want in a kit. Included is… “Poultry Protector” (4 oz.) — Step 1 “Shampoo” (4 oz.) — Step 2 “Vinegar” (8 oz.) — Step 3 “Glycerin” (4 oz.) — Step 4 Comb Reddening (2.5 oz.) Step-by-step…

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Re-treating a Pond with Mosquito Free Water

Re-treating a Pond with Mosquito Free Water

In the following video, we explain the need to retreat ponds, lakes, and all bodies of water on a 2 week basis in order to ensure that the skin of the water doesn’t return, should it return mosquitoes can once again land, if they land they breed and the risk of disease goes up. This first video is when we treated the pond for the first time. This second video shows the same pond 2 weeks later as we treat…

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Poultry Parasite Control – Natural vs Chemical

Poultry Parasite Control – Natural vs Chemical

Poultry Parasite Control – Natural or Chemical Over the last decade I have become ,  I wasn’t like this earlier in my wife as I grew up with brand names mashed into my head by TV commercials and newspaper ads.  We all know these names, Ortho, Scotts, Wil-Kil, Orkin and Raid to name a few.  Each of these products promote fast and effective success in killing just about anything  I knew of 2,4-D not realizing the other name for the…

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Treating green or cloudy water in ponds

Treating green or cloudy water in ponds

Green or cloudy water… Green or cloudy water may be the result of poor bacteria growth in the biological filter.  Weekly use of Pond and Fountain Protector to feed nutrients into the biological filter.  The condition of the pond should improve with a week or two.  Should green or cloudy water continue beyond two weeks check the size of your biological filter.  Many small ponds have too many fish and that exceeds the size.  There factors should be taken into…

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Maintain Healthy Birdhouses and Birdfeeders

Maintain Healthy Birdhouses and Birdfeeders

How to prevent parasites in in your birdhouses and birdfeeders. Birds are scavengers that look for food and building materials their breeding nests.  Because of this scavenging behavior, bird are highly susceptible to picking up parasites.  Migrating birds also spread parasites from one to another,  Once a bird is infected, it carries these contaminants to the birdhouse.  Birdhouses are major breeding grounds for all kinds of parasites and deadly viruses.  Arthropods such as ants and spiders also make their home…

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How we got started…

How we got started…

Carefree Birdbath Protector was developed in 1995 exclusively to help my grandfather keep his birdbath clean.  For years, my grandfather would scrub for countless days and hours using bleach and cleansers until his knuckles bled.  Wanting to help grandpa is what brought this product into action and CareFree Birdbath Protector was on the market. Bacteria Free, Non-Toxic. Safe for Birds, Pets and Wildlife. Patrick Haley Happy Birding!

Demonstrating Mosquito Free Water in Wisconsin

Demonstrating Mosquito Free Water in Wisconsin

Demonstrating Mosquito Free Water in a Lake in Norther Wisconsin Over the weekend we took a video of Mosquito Free Water in a Lake in Norther Wisconsin we would like to share it with you. The video demonstrates how by removing the skin it actually makes the water clearer, it removes reflection from the water, so you can’t see your self or the sunshine in it, you just see clearly at what lies beneath the surface. Mosquitoes need the surface to…

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Mosquito Water and Zika Virus

Mosquito Water and Zika Virus

Zika Virus is expected to hit at least 30 out of the 50 states in 2016, and whilst the impact on human embrois is clear and scary enough nobody is saying or even discussing what the impact might be on Cattle, Poultry, Birding etc. Zika virus is spread through Mosquitoes most commonly the Aedes Mosquito.   A. aegypti and A. albopictus, whilst its name comes from  a forest in Uganda, this doesn’t mean its limited to Africa. Far from it, Zika is expected to have a…

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What are Enzymes?

What are Enzymes?

About Enzymes Welcome to the Fascinating World of Enzymes! Enzymes are found in ALL living things and life could not exist without them. All of our products are made with Natural Enzymes that are biodegradable and safe for people, pets, and the environment. We pride ourselves on providing responsible and environmentally friendly products that are effective yet affordable. Natures Enzymes- Because Natural is Always Better Uses For Our Products- Parasite prevention and reduction Maintaining clean water for animals Maintaining clean water in lakes…

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